Venezuelans were once given a generous welcome in neighboring Colombia. That welcome has frozen under the leadership of President Petro.
Llenar el vacío: apoyo humanitario y vías alternativas para los migrantes en la periferia de Colombia
Las personas migrantes hacen un viaje hacia el norte a través de la región del Darién que es cada vez más peligroso por su tramo de 100 km de selva entre Colombia y Panamá. El viaje puede ser mortal.
Filling the Gap: Humanitarian Support and Alternative Pathways for Migrants on Colombia’s Edge
More displaced people, including Venezuelans, are making their way through the Darien Gap in search of safety.
Life on the Edge of the Darien Gap
Without more humanitarian support and policies that will reroute people away from the Gap, migrants will continue to be in extremely vulnerable situations.
Una oportunidad para el cambio: argumentos a favor de la inclusión económica de los venezolanos en Riohacha
El caso de Riohacha, donde se enfrentan una amplia gama de desafíos de desarrollo, seguridad y humanitarios, muestra la necesidad de mayores soluciones para acoger e integrar a los venezolanos desplazados en las diferentes regiones de Colombia que viven circunstancias similares.
An Opportunity for Change: The Case for Economic Inclusion of Venezuelans in Riohacha
The case of Riohacha, where a wide range of development, security, and humanitarian challenges collide, showcases the need for greater solutions to host and integrate forcibly displaced Venezuelans throughout Colombia.
Blinken’s Trip to Colombia an Opportunity for U.S. Leadership on Regional Protection
U.S. Secretary Blinken has an important opportunity to show that the United States is committed to regional leadership on migration and protection during his trip to Colombia this week.
Thomson Reuters Foundation: What Nations Can Learn from Colombia’s Integration of Venezuelans
Colombia will now give temporary protective legal status to most of the 1.8 million forcibly displaced Venezuelans in the country.
Refugees International Welcomes Colombia’s Commitment to Regularize Displaced Venezuelans
Refugees International applauds Colombia’s commitment to regularize displaced Venezuelans and allow them the right to work for ten years.
Webinar | From Displacement to Development: Challenges and Opportunities to the Economic Inclusion of Venezuelans in Colombia
Refugees International and the Center for Global Development (CGD) hosted a discussion on the status of the economic inclusion of Venezuelans in Colombia.