Refugees International experts and partners are available for media interviews to unpack the latest humanitarian, displacement, and migration news.

Please direct media inquiries to:

Etant Dupain
Media and Communications Manager


Polio Discovery in Gaza Water Underscores Massive Health Risks to Palestinian Civilians


New Study Shows Local Organizations in Ukraine Significantly More Cost-Efficient than International Organizations

Refugees International Welcomes TPS Redesignation and Extension for Haiti

In the News

MSNBC: New Setbacks in Gaza Aid Distribution as ‘Catastrophic’ Hunger Levels Loom


Gaza Still at High Famine Risk, Aid Response Must Scale


Refugees International Appalled by New Biden Border Policies


Refugees International Condemns Israeli Military Strike on Rafah Tent Camp as Civilian Death Toll Climbs


Senate Border Bill is Not the Asylum Reform We Need

In the News

Global Dispatches: Why Can’t More Humanitarian Aid Get to Gaza?

Featured Image: A man holds a baby next the border wall between Mexico and United States near Ciudad Juarez on December 10, 2017. Photo credit: HERIKA MARTINEZ/AFP/Getty Images