Advocacy for Mozambique

What’s Happening?

Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world and has faced several natural disasters in recent years, including back-to-back cyclones in 2019. The storms destroyed huge swaths of agricultural land and infrastructure, and left more than 2 million people in need of immediate humanitarian assistance. While there has been some recovery and relocation efforts, repeated climate-related disasters and ongoing conflict and poverty has created a challenging humanitarian situation.

What Must Be Done?

Refugees International is calling for increased donor support to fund a desperately needed humanitarian response in Mozambique.


Dangerous Territory: A Deepening Humanitarian Emergency in Northern Mozambique


Devastation and Displacement: Unprecedented Cyclones in Mozambique and Zimbabwe a Sign of What’s to Come?


Refugees International Concerned Over Violence and Displacement in Northern Mozambique


Immediate Action Needed to Address Humanitarian Crisis in Mozambique


Refugees International Statement on Mozambique Donor Conference: Act Now or Lose Gains of Initial Response

A woman walks along a street in Pemba on May 25, 2021. Photo by John Wessels/AFP via Getty Images.

Making Fishers into Farmers? Mozambique’s IDPs Need Livelihood Support

Photo of a woman who walks through an internally displaced person camp in Cabo Delgado Province on May 20, 2021. Photo by John Wessels/AFP via Getty Images.

The Women of Mozambique Want You to Know About the War You Probably Haven’t Heard Of 


In Photos: Southern Africa Recovers From Twin Cyclones

Featured Image: Community leaders in Mozambique are trying to rebuild after the storm. Photo Credit: Refugees International.