Advocacy for Venezuela

What’s Happening? 

Millions of Venezuelans have fled their country in recent years to escape economic, social, political, and institutional collapse. Venezuelans who remain in the country face hunger, lack of access to basic medical care, as well as human rights violations at the hands of the Maduro regime. In July 2024, Maduro won a presidential election under significant suspicion of fraud amid a strong crack down on protests, deepening repression and violation of human rights in the country. 

What Must Be Done? 

Refugees International urges governments in the Western Hemisphere to welcome Venezuelans who are fleeing their homes, as they are in dire need of protection and opportunity abroad and encourages the donor community to support countries in their efforts to do so.


A Forgotten Response and An Uncertain Future: Venezuelans’ Economic Inclusion in Colombia


Los Efectos Humanitarios de la Pandemia de COVID-19 para las personas venezolanas en Perú. Un año después


The Humanitarian Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Venezuelans in Peru, One Year In


Refugees International Concerned by Growing Political Repression, Displacement Crisis in Venezuela


Refugees International Opposes U.S. Policies that Could Lead to Returns of Venezuelans to Harm


New DHS Enforcement Program Fails to Offer Sufficient Protection to Venezuelans


Argentina’s Welcome of Venezuelan Migrants


Newsweek: How Biden Can Help Venezuelan Refugees


A Beacon of Hope in Venezuela

Advocacy Letter

More than 100 Groups Denounce the Expansion of Title 42 Expulsions for Venezuelans

Advocacy Letter

17 Groups Urge Trinidad & Tobago’s Prime Minister to Uphold the Rights of Children and Asylum Seekers

Advocacy Letter

Trinidad and Tobago: 25 Groups Call for End to Refoulement and to Re-Open Registration for Venezuelans


Webinar | From Displacement to Development: Challenges and Opportunities to the Economic Inclusion of Venezuelans in Colombia


Human Trafficking amid a Pandemic: Confronting the Exploitation of Fleeing Venezuelans


Refugees International Eyewitness: Pushbacks of Venezuelans on the Guatemalan Border


With Opportunity, Displaced Venezuelan Women Make a Difference in Peru


Meet Martha, the Venezuelan Refugee Advocating for Women in Peru

Featured Image: A Venezuelan man carrying a bag on his shoulders walks along the side of the highway outside of Bogota, Colombia. © Guillermo Legaria/Getty Images