Supreme Court Title 42 Decision Betrays U.S. Obligations to Asylum Seekers

Please see below statement from Refugees International Director for the Americas and Europe Yael Schacher:
“Today, the Supreme Court stopped the lifting of Title 42, a COVID-19 related expulsion policy at the U.S. border that nobody claims is justified on public health grounds. As a dissenting opinion states: Supreme Court Justices are not policymakers of last resort. The majority of the Justices have now, effectively, sanctioned the perpetuation of refoulement and will be responsible for what the lower court called “irreparable harm” that befalls asylum seekers expelled under Title 42.”
For more information or to schedule an interview, please contact Refugees International’s Vice President for Strategic Outreach Sarah Sheffer at
PHOTO CAPTION: Migrants walk along the U.S. Border fence on September 22, 2022 in El Paso, Texas. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)