Statement on the Passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Please see below statement from Refugees International:
“We join millions of Americans in mourning the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and honoring her contributions.
In remarks at the 2004 annual commemoration of the Holocaust, Justice Ginsburg made the following appeal:
May the memory of those who perished remain vibrant to all who dwell in this fair land, people of every color and creed. May that memory strengthen our resolve to aid those at home and abroad who suffer from injustice born of ignorance and intolerance, to combat crimes that stem from racism and prejudice, and to remain ever engaged in the quest for democracy and respect for the human dignity of all the world’s people.
Those words powerfully communicated Justice Ginsburg’s life-long commitment to human rights. As an advocate and, later, as an associate justice of the Supreme Court, Ruth Bader Ginsburg gave expression to that commitment in her honorable, diligent, and inspired efforts to advance non-discrimination, gender equality and women’s rights, and equal justice. Day in and day out, she sought to ensure that the promise of the U.S. Constitution was realized in the policies and the practices of federal, state, and local officials.
May her memory be a blessing, and inspire others to continue the vital work of promoting human dignity.”
PHOTO CAPTION: “Associate Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Visits WFU” by WFULawSchool is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0