Refugees International Welcomes Additional Support for Afghans

Please see below statement from Refugees International:  

 “Refugees International applauds the passage and signing of the Fiscal Year 2022 Continuing Resolution, which will keep the government funded through December 3, 2021, and includes $6.3 billion in emergency funding support for Afghans. This funding ensures that Afghans who have been paroled into the United States have access to support and services accorded to refugees that are crucial to their dignified welcome and integration in U.S. communities. Crucially, and as Refugees International has recommended, the Continuing Resolution also provides funding for aid to Afghans still in Afghanistan, who have fled to surrounding countries, and for relocations of additional at-risk Afghans.

This bill is an important step to help Afghans. But Refugees International calls on the administration to increase the number of refugees resettled in the United States to 200,000 and on Congress to pass the Afghan Adjustment Act, which would provide Afghan humanitarian parolees fewer bureaucratic hurdles to legal permanent resident status.”   

For press inquiries or more information, please contact Sarah Sheffer at or +1 202 540 7029.

Photo Caption: The U.S. Capitol is shown on October 21, 2020 in Washington, DC. Photo Credit: Stefani Reynolds/Getty Images.