Greek Government Must Immediately Halt Violence Against Asylum Seekers

Please see below statement from Refugees International Senior Advocate for Women and Girls Devon Cone:
“The Greek government must immediately halt its use of violence to prevent asylum seekers from entering its country. The government must also immediately reverse its illegal decision to halt all asylum applications for those seeking safety at its border. After escaping death at home, it is shameful that these asylum seekers are being left to suffer on Europe’s doorstep.
The challenge of providing refuge to the tens of thousands of people making the journey to Greece is not insurmountable. EU members states can and must urgently step up in terms of responsibility sharing and set up an effective system to accept these asylum seekers in their own countries.
We are encouraged to see that the EU will allocate an additional €700 million to Greece to handle the current situation. However, the Greek government should spend the majority of these funds on improving reception facilities and processing for asylum seekers arriving on its shores—not on violent border security measures aimed to keep asylum seekers out.”
Devon Cone is author of the recent report, “Seeking Asylum in Greece: Women and Unaccompanied Children Struggle to Survive,” on the situation facing women and unaccompanied children seeking asylum on the Greek islands.
For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact Sarah Sheffer at or 202 540 7029.