Expansions to Central American Minors Program a Welcome Step, More Must Be Done

Please see below statement from Refugees International’s Director for the Americas and Europe Yael Schacher:
“Refugees International welcomes today’s notice that more parents and legal guardians from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras will have access to the Central American Minors (CAM) Program, which allows them to bring their children and accompanying family members to the United States as refugees or on parole.
Advancing the eligibility date and easing the paperwork burden on parents is recognition by the Biden administration that, as Refugees International has documented, the program must be expanded to be a meaningful protection and family unification pathway.
Refugees International urges the Biden administration to further this effort through increased outreach and support for the program in the United States and in Central America and by ensuring children in Central America have access to counsel and to passports they need to benefit from CAM.”
For more in-depth information the shortcomings of the Central American Minors Program and policy steps for how it can be improved, read “Mixed Blessing: Guatemalan Experiences under the New Central American Minors Program.”
To schedule an interview, please contact Refugees International’s Vice President for Strategic Outreach Sarah Sheffer at ssheffer@refugeesinternational.org.
Cover Photo: Guatemalan asylum seeker Hermelindo Che Coc embraces his 6-year-old son, Jefferson Che Pop, after reuniting with him at LAX in the Los Angeles area, on July 14, 2018. The father and son were separated at the U.S.-Mexico border and have been separated for nearly 2 months. Photo by Marcus Yam/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images.