Advocacy for Palestine

What is Happening?

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been ongoing for more than seven decades. Today, there are nearly 7 million Palestinian refugees around the world. Israeli authorities have committed repeated abuses and violations against Palestinians, and the Palestinian authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza are also responsible for significant human rights violations. In Gaza, an endless cycle of violence and the ensuing Israeli blockade have created substantial humanitarian needs. 

What Must Be Done? 

Refugees International is calling for greater protection and respect of Palestinians’ rights, the lifting of the blockade in Gaza, the cessation of violence against civilians in the West Bank, and increased humanitarian support.


Siege and Starvation: How Israel Obstructs Aid to Gaza

Issue Brief

“I Don’t Want to Die”: Bearing Witness to Palestinians Under Siege in Gaza

Issue Brief

Delivering Aid to Gaza


Polio Discovery in Gaza Water Underscores Massive Health Risks to Palestinian Civilians

In the News

MSNBC: New Setbacks in Gaza Aid Distribution as ‘Catastrophic’ Hunger Levels Loom


Gaza Still at High Famine Risk, Aid Response Must Scale


Just Security: Gaza’s Famine is Underway 


Foreign Affairs: The Looming Famine in Gaza and How to Stop It


USA Today: Palestinians in Gaza Face Mass Starvation. Only an Immediate Ceasefire will Save Them.

Advocacy Letter

Refugees International Jointly Calls on President Biden to Comply with U.S. Law, End Support for War in Gaza

Advocacy Letter

Open Letter to Secretary Austin: Act Now to Protect Civilians in Gaza

Advocacy Letter

Humanitarian Leaders Urge Congress to Support Critical Funding for Palestinians


Stop Gaza’s Famine


Emergency Briefing: Gaza’s Humanitarian Emergency

Featured Image: Palestinian men walk in front a mural painted on a wall of the headquarters of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza City on October 2, 2018. © SAID KHATIB/AFP via Getty Images