Advocacy for Chad
What’s Happening?
Chad is facing a climate crisis and violence from armed groups like Islamic State in West Africa and Boko Haram. In the Lake Chad Basin region, these factors have converged into a complex emergency aggravated by chronic underdevelopment and political upheaval. Meanwhile, instability and drought in neighboring countries have continuously forced people to flee into Chad in the hopes of finding protection. Among them are more than 600,000 refugees who have fled the war in Sudan since April 2023.
What Must Be Done?
Refugees International is urging donors and aid agencies to address Chad’s humanitarian crises and strengthen their efforts to mitigate the consequences of climate change. Chad should move ahead with the implementation of the African Union’s Kampala Convention to improve the lives of internally displaced people. Donors should also surge support for Sudanese refugees in eastern Chad alongside cross-border aid efforts into Sudan.
Latest reports and briefs

Bearing Witness: Atrocities and Looming Hunger in Darfur
February 1, 2024

Climate-fueled Violence and Displacement in the Lake Chad Basin: Focus on Chad and Cameroon
January 19, 2023

Responding to Chad’s Displacement Crisis in the Lac Province and the Implementation of the Kampala Convention
September 29, 2022
Latest Opinions, Q&As, and Explainers
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Featured Image: Group of internally displaced men in a displacement site outside of Baga Sola, in the province’s Department of Kaya, Chad. © Alexandra Lamarche, Refugees International