Martha Guerrero Ble is an advocate for Refugees International where she focuses on expanding labor market access to refugees. Martha is a graduate from Georgetown’s Master of Science in Foreign Service (MSFS), where she focused on the intersection of development and humanitarian issues. During her studies, Martha interned at the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Myanmar, where she worked in labor displacement and skills development programs. Prior to Georgetown, Martha focused on leveraging the private sector towards development outcomes. She worked with female-led startups in Mexico City, helping them to kickstart their businesses. Martha also worked at the Organization of American States (OAS), where she helped create a public-private partnership to promote connectivity and education in the Americas. Originally from Tampico, Mexico, Martha received her bachelor’s in international business from the Tec de Monterrey.
Publications by the Author
The World Bank has become a prominent player in forced displacement response. It could strengthen its contribution through more meaningful refugee participation.
This paper provides an introductory snapshot of some of the financing instruments, projects, and strategies used; particularly innovative approaches; and challenges MDBs face in expanding their engagement.
Venezuelans were once given a generous welcome in neighboring Colombia. That welcome has frozen under the leadership of President Petro.
Direct engagement with refugee communities could help investment in host countries go further.
A new decree in Costa Rica makes it harder for asylum seekers to access work. The effects of the decree will be felt throughout the region.
As it navigates some of the world's most complex issues, the World Bank must get its approach to forced displacement right.
Refugees’ right to work has been repeatedly affirmed in international law, yet in practice the majority of the world’s refugees live in countries that substantially restrict those rights, according to...
El caso de Riohacha, donde se enfrentan una amplia gama de desafíos de desarrollo, seguridad y humanitarios, muestra la necesidad de mayores soluciones para acoger e integrar a los venezolanos...
The case of Riohacha, where a wide range of development, security, and humanitarian challenges collide, showcases the need for greater solutions to host and integrate forcibly displaced Venezuelans throughout Colombia.
Pakistan is hosting more and more displaced Afghans. Here's what must be done.