Similar bars have been marshaled against Central Americans since the late 1980s—severely undermining asylum.
Information on the New Parole Program Available to Haitians Outside the United States
The Biden administration has announced the creation of a new parole program that permits sponsors in the United States to apply for Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelan beneficiaries to fly to the United States and remain in the U.S. for two years.
Foreign Affairs: The Weaponization of Humanitarian Aid
China and Russia’s weaponization of humanitarian aid is devastating for millions of civilians. Yet with diplomatic cooperation and persistence, the crisis in Syria could serve as the international community’s chance to tackle the problem head-on and, in the process, save lives in other humanitarian crises, both now and in the future.
Refugee Protection Act of 2022: Asylum and Refugee Protection Fit for the Twenty-First Century
Refugees International endorses the introduction of the RPA of 2022 and urges Congress to consider it a blueprint for a comprehensive update of our refugee protection system.
Localizing Aid in Ukraine: Perspectives from Ukrainian Humanitarians in Odesa, Lviv, Zaporizhia, and Dnipro
Localizing the humanitarian aid response in Ukraine is not just the smart thing to do—but done well, it could help inform more effective delivery of aid globally.
franknews: Again & Again & Again
FrankNews’s Tatti Ribeiro spoke with Yael Schacher about migrants and diplomacy.
7 Policy Wins on Refugee and Asylum Issues Give Us Hope for the New Year
Despite harrowing news from almost every corner of the globe this year, several policy wins have offered us real hope.
Humanitarian Aid and Protection Pathways Needed for Haitians
Even as the country faces its worst humanitarian and security crisis in decades, Haitians continue to be deported to danger and refused access to refuge.
Al Jazeera: Can Kenya Emerge as a Role Model on Refugees?
Kenya’s new Refugee Act – if implemented well – could improve access to education, work, and movement for half a million refugees.
The National Interest: Somalia’s 2022 Famine Is Predicted and Preventable
Somalia is in the throes of its worst famine since 2011, but there is still time to avoid past mistakes and prevent further deaths and suffering.