Advocacy for Ethiopia
What’s Happening?
Since November 2020, civil war in northern Ethiopia has led to widespread violence, human rights violations, sexual violence, displacement, and famine. The crisis is having ripple effects across the country and in the region. Ethiopia also hosts large numbers of refugees from neighboring countries. These refugees are also caught up in the violence, food insecurity and instability. Despite progress toward peace, humanitarian aid is still not reaching many in need.
What Must Be Done?
Refugees International continues to push for unfettered aid access to all parts of Ethiopia, as well as full restoration of services. It is calling for expanded rights for refugees in Ethiopia, and full accountability for rights violations before, during, and after the recent civil war.
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Featured Image: A woman stands in a metal sheet room that was damaged by shelling in Humera, Ethiopia, on November 22, 2020. © EDUARDO SOTERAS/AFP via Getty Images.
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Let Asylum Seekers Work
When asylum seekers work, our communities don’t just grow—they flourish. Tell your member of Congress to support the bi-partisan House Asylum Seeker Work Authorization Act (H.R. 1325) today.