Over 500 Advocates and Leaders Urge Biden to Redesignate Haiti for TPS Due to Instability and Violence

The Honorable President Joe Biden
President of the United States
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20500
The Honorable Vice President Kamala Harris
Vice President of the United States
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20500
The Honorable Anthony Blinken
U.S. Secretary of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20037
The Honorable Alejandro Mayorkas
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
301 7th Street SW
Washington, DC 20024
Ron Klain, White House Chief of Staff
Ambassador Susan Rice, Director of the Domestic Policy Council
Jake Sullivan, U.S. National Security Advisor
April 27, 2021
Re: Redesignate TPS to Haiti
Dear President Biden, Vice President Harris, Secretary Blinken, and Secretary Mayorkas:
Today, the undersigned organizations ask that the Biden Administration immediately redesignate Temporary Protected Status (“TPS”) to Haiti due to the current extraordinary and temporary conditions. With an increasingly authoritarian president who has been ruling unconstitutionally without a parliament for over a year, now claiming his mandate extends through January 2022, and with well-attended daily protests in response, the political situation is unstable, fragile and extremely dangerous. The Trump Administration tried to end TPS for Haitians, many of whom have been on the frontlines during the coronavirus pandemic and keeping the United States moving forward as our healthcare workers and caregivers, transportation workers and farm workers. It is imperative that the Biden Administration make things right and redesignate TPS for Haiti immediately.
On his campaign trail in 2020, then candidate Joe Biden visited “Little Haiti” in Miami, Florida, and promised that TPS would be guaranteed for all Haitians. Biden added, “There will be no quit on my part as your President making sure the Haitian community has an even shot of getting back on its feet and moves in the direction to be able to realize it’s incredible potential.” He also said, “I promise you, I give you my words that I will be there, I will stand with you…”
Four years earlier, President Donald Trump had promised to be a champion for the Haitian community on his campaign trail in 2016, but quickly broke his promise when he took office. In 2018, he referred to Haiti as a “shithole country”, and then terminated TPS for Haitians despite evidence from his own State Department that Haiti was unprepared to receive 56,000 deportees due to dire conditions and public health crisis following the 2010 earthquake, Hurricane Matthew, and a cholera epidemic brought by United Nations peacekeeping soldiers. A federal district court in New York found that the Trump Administration’s decision to terminate TPS for Haitians was “influenced by White House officials’ political motivations” to “ignore statutory guidelines” and “to abate non-white immigrants in the country.” (See Saget v. Trump) Thanks to this case and Ramos v. Nielsen, TPS for Haitians has been extended until October 4, 2021.
The time has come for President Biden to keep his promises to the Haitian community and to disavow Trump’s bigoted, racist and discriminatory policies, which includes redesignating TPS. Since 2018, the nationwide unrest and political turmoil has deteriorated. In January 2020, the mandates of all but 10 members of Parliament and all mayors terminated due to delayed elections, leaving President Jovenel Moïse to run the country without legislative oversight and in violation of the Haitian Constitution. While Constitutional scholars, the judicial oversight body, the bar associations, and hundred of thousands of protestors in the streets contend that President Moise’s term ended on February 7, 2021, President Moïse has refused to step down.
According to Human Rights Watch’s 2021 World Report, Haiti is currently experiencing one of the worst outbreaks of violence in decades. Haitians of all ages face powerful gangs who rule with impunity and in some cases with government complicity. The lack of rule of law also makes it difficult to hold those responsible for the ever-increasing violence accountable. As a result, the government is not functioning to meet even the most basic needs of its citizens. Women and girls are particularly vulnerable to gender-based violence now, as increased political violence and a weak legal system foster widespread impunity. Haiti also suffers from extreme food insecurity. As Human Rights Watch reported, “According to international agencies, some 4.1 million Haitians—more than a third—live with food insecurity, and 2.1 percent of children suffer severe malnutrition.”
All of these recent factors rise to the level of extraordinary and temporary conditions from which Haiti will need to recover. TPS can promote recovery, development, and regional stability by preserving and increasing the flow of remittances to Haiti and directly into the pockets of people who can use the money for food, healthcare, housing, education, and other basic needs that will help decrease the flow of migration. Remittances exceed foreign aid and make up a substantial share of Haiti’s GDP.
As Rose, a Family Nurse Practitioner from Haiti who worked on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic and herself tested positive for COVID-19, says, for current TPS holders, “Fear and anxiety are always in the background, that I might suddenly have to leave my home. I’ve lived in the United States for 20 years, since I was 17 years old. TPS allowed me to get my undergraduate and master’s degree in nursing. I love my work, I love serving the community in Rhode Island.”
Given the current extraordinary and temporary conditions, we urge the Biden-Harris Administration to break the racist cycle left by the Trump Administration and to redesignate Haiti for TPS immediately.
Sahra Abdi, Executive Director, United Women of East Africa Support Team
Frank A. Accime, Senior Pastor, Philadelphia Haitian Baptist Church
Cécile Accilien, Board Member, Haitian Studies Association
Shirleen Achieng, Founder, Immigrant Advocacy Network
Remi Adesokan, Social Analyst, Haitian American
Evelyn Sanchez Aguilar, Chair, SAFIRE
Dilkhwaz Ahmed, License to Freedom
Mizue Aizeki, Executive Director, Immigrant Defense Project
Heidi Altman, Policy Director, National Immigrant Justice Center
Tatyana Ali, Actress and Singer
Kevin Al Perez, President, Somos Familia Valle
Jahahara Amen-RA Alkebulan-Ma’at, Africans Deserve Reparations Now
Erika Andiola, Chief Advocacy Officer, Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES)
Ireshah André, Manager, Reach Beyond Relief
Joanne Antoine, Executive Director, Common Cause Maryland
Varnel Antoine, Director, True Alliance Center Inc
Donald Anthonyson, Executive Director, Families for Freedom
Nebraska Appleseed
Gabrielle Apollon, Haiti Project Co-Director, Washington Square Legal Services
James Winston Ardoin, Operations Intern, Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti
Sulma Arias, Director of Immigrant Rights, Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM)
Ronnate Asirwatham, Director of Government Relations, NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice
S. Assante, Haiti Advocacy Working Group
Gabrielle Aurel, President & Chief Executive Officer, Sonje Ayiti Organization
Hunter Austin, Black Alliance For Peace
Daniel Zwickel ben Avrám, Owner, PeaceHost.net
Jared Ball, Black Alliance for Peace
Juliana Barnet, Director, Protect Our Activists
Chelsea Bartholomew, Solutions Specialist, Ultimate Kronos Group (UKG)
Fatmata Barrie, Owner & Attorney, The Barrie Law Center; Founder – Black Diaspora Voices
Marleine Bastien, Executive Director, Family Action Network Movement (FANM)
Adam Beddawi. Policy Manager, National Network of Arab American Communities (NNAAC)
Daniel Beers, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Justice Studies, James Madison University
Pabitra Benjamin, Executive Director, Adhikaar
David Bennion, Executive Director, Free Migration Project
Kathleen Bergin, Adjunct Professor, Cornell Law School
D’Shawna Bernard
Rev. Myrna Bernadel-Huey, Pastor, Buena Vista United Methodist Church
Kayo Beshir, Multicultural Organizer, Tennessee Immigrants & Refugee Rights Coalition
Pooja Bhatia, Writer
Alizeh Bhojani, Immigration Policy Manager, OneAmerica
Roger E. Biamby, Chair, Haitians United for Progress, Inc.
Désirée Bianchi, CODEPINK
Sister Dominica Lo Bianco, Director of Hispanic Ministry, Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia
Anthony Gad Bigio, Professor, George Washington University
Black LGBTQIA+ Migrant Project (BLMP)
Katrina Bleckley, Staff Immigration Attorney, Haitian Bridge Alliance
Blaine Bookey, Legal Director, Center for Gender & Refugee Studies
Joe N. Bradley, Black Alliance for Peace
Bryan K. Bullock, Attorney & Adjunct Professor, Indiana University Northwest
Charisse Burden-Stelly, Black Alliance for Peace
Rev. Jennifer Butler, CEO of Faith in Public Life, Faith in Public Life
Jill Marie Bussey, Director for Public Policy, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
Bonnie Marie Benson
Laurie Benson, Founder / President, Madres e Hijos
Lyndon Berleus, Policy Director, Chantlyn World Wide Logistics,Inc.
Garcelle Beauvais, Actress
Diana Bohn, Co-Coordinator, Nicaragua Center for Community Action
Melissa Bond, Clinical Psychology Fellow, UCSF
Karen Bouwer, French Professor, University of San Francisco
Irene Brisson, Lecturer, University of Michigan
Michael Breen, President & CEO, Human Rights First
Clayola Brown, National President, A. Philip Randolph Institute
Bradford E. Brown PhD
Julia Brown, Advocacy and Outreach Director, Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project
Angenor Brutus, Coordinator, Groupe d’Appui aux Rapatriés et Réfugiés (GARR)
Margaret Boles, Member, The Haiti Committee at Holy Family Catholic Church of Mitchellville
Amelia Burgess, MD, MPH, Sage Prairie Clinic
Daniella Burgi-Palomino, Co-Director, Latin America Working Group (LAWG)
Blake Burr, Core Member, Vecindarios 901
Michelle Buteau, Actress and Comedian
Community Justice Project
Erica Caines, Coordinating Committee Member, Black Alliance For Peace
Anel Calixte, Owner, Radio Planet Grand’Anse
Noemi Calonje, Immigration Project Director, National Center for Lesbian Rights
Bridget Cambria, Executive Director, Aldea – The People’s Justice Center
F X Martín del Campo, President, South Florida Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (SF-LCLAA)
Eduardo Canales, Executive Director, South Texas Human Rights Center
Cindy Candia, Co-Founder, Angry Tias and Abuelas of the RGV
Antonia Canero, President, Canero Immigration Law
Paulina Olvera Cáñez, Executive Director, Espacio Migrante
Thomas H Cartwright, Leadership, Witness at the Border
Camille Frederic Celenice, Law Office of Camille Celenice
Johnny Celestin, Forum Haïtien Pour la Paix et le Développement Durable
Johnny Celestin, Spokesperson-USA, Defend Haiti’s Democracy
Oscar Chacon, Executive Director, Alianza Americas
Francoise Cham
Ramsey Champagne, Founder, LMHC, M.Ed., Culture Change Project
Nadjejda Chapoteau, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Community Powerhouse Consulting and Coaching, LLC
Eugenia Charles, Coordinator, Rasanbleman Haytien Konsyan and Executive Director, Fondasyon Mapou
Rev. Wilguymps Charles, Pastor, Evangelical Baptist Church of the Redeemed
Joseph Cherubin, President, The Socio-Cultural Movement of Haitian Workers (MOSCTHA)
Ralph Cheriz, CEO, The Cheriza Group, LLC
Richardson Chery, Policy Director, Projectelev8
Mr. Convington Chery, Executive Director, Simalo Empowerment Group
Karen Civil, Chief Executive Officer, Always Civil Enterprise
Carlina Shimizu Chung, Student, University of San Francisco
Reginald Clairville
Jill Clark-Gollub, Member, Friends of Latin America
Natacha Jeanne Clerger, Councillor-at-Large for Randolph, Massachusetts
Karina Ambartsoumian-Clough, Executive Director, United Stateless
Jim Clune, President, Broome County Peace Action
Dylan Corbett, Executive Director, Hope Border Institute
Lupita Colon, Attorney, Law Office of Lupita Colon
Janvieve Williams Comrie, Executive Director, Afroresistance
Brian E. Concannon, Executive Director, Project Blueprint
Margaret Conley, Director, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Justice Team
Sr. Patricia Connolly, Therapist, Daughters of Charity
Holly Cooper, Co-Director, UC Davis Immigration Law Clinic
Sarah Cordova, Haitian Studies Association
Carol I Moeller Costa, Treasurer, MITF
Robert Cotter, Policy Analyst, Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights
Claudia R. Cubas, Litigation Director, Capital Area Immigrants’ Rights Coalition
Cameroon American Council
Conchita Cruz, Co-Executive Director, Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project (ASAP)
Edwidge Danticat
Annie Darrow, President, Darrow Autism Advocates
Sister Colleen Dauerbach, Social Justice Coordinator, Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, PA
Marlene L. Daut, Scholar, Professor of American and African Diaspora Studies
Lynda DeLoach, Black Alliance for Peace
Anne-Marie Debbané, Alliance in Defense of Black Immigrants
Apostle Dr. Fayola Delica, Founder/President/Pastor, Revive Your Soul Ministries, Inc.
Santra Denis, President & Founder, Avanse Ansanm and Executive Director, Miami Workers Center
Gina Desir, Empower to aspire INC.
Arianna de Ona, SVP of Human Resources and General Counsel, Costa Farms
Sister Jo’Ann De Quattro, Member, Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary
Jim De Quattro, Co-director, UPLIFT Haiti, Inc.
Hudes Desrameaux, Community Advocate,
Alix Desulme, Chair, National Haitian American Elected Officials Network (NHAEON)
Myrtha Désulmé, President, The Haiti-Jamaica Society
David Diggs, Executive Director & Co-Founder, Beyond Borders
Rev. Phillip Dieke, Associate Pastor, White Rock UMC
Terry Diggory, Co-Coordinator, Saratoga Immigration Coalition
Wyatt Dickerson, Student, University of San Francisco
Sister Patricia Dillon, member, Religious of Jesus and Mary, USA-Haiti Province
Rebecca Dixon, Executive Director, National Employment Law Project
Nathan H. Dize, Ph.D
W. Yusef Doucet, Joko Collective
Sandy Dorsainvil, Immediate Past Chair, Haitian American Professionals Coalition
Maureen Duignan, Executive Director, East Bay Sanctuary Covenant and Vice-Chair, Haiti Emergency Relief Fund
Ricot Dupuy, Station Director, Radio Soleil
Erin L. Durban, Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota
Dr. Derethia DuVal, Priority Africa Network
Robert Russell Dyk, Member, Refugee Action Fund
M. Earle
Jeannie Economos, Health and Safety Project Coordinator, Farmworker Association of Florida
Beneco Enecia, Executive Director, Centro de Desarrollo Sostenible (CEDESO)
John Engle, Co-Director, Haiti Partners
Ana Espino, Executive Director, Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice
Nicole Estrada, Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala (NISGUA)
Laura Esquivel, Vice President Federal Policy, Hispanic Federation
Ancito Etienne, Board Member, Beyond Borders
Heureuse Etienne, Coordinator, Philadelphia Haitian Baptist Church
Pierre Etienne, HADIC
Daniel Eugene, Director, American & Haitian Economic Alliance for Development
Dale Ewart, Executive Vice President, 1199SEIU, Florida Region
Adam Fernandez, Vice President of Policy and Strategic Engagement, Lawyers for Good Government (L4GG)
Enrique L. Fernandez, Vice-President, Immigration, Diversity and Civil Rights, Unite Here
Ada Ferrer, Professor of History, New York University
Sister Patricia Ferrick, School Sisters of Notre Dame
Jennifer Ferrigno, Co-Director, National Network for Immigrant & Refugee Rights
Felicity Figueroa, Chair, Orange County Equality Coalition
Ana and Allan Fisher, Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador
Arlene Flaherty, Director, Office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Atlantic-Midwest Province
Dieufort Fleurissaint, President, True Alliance, Inc.
Elise Florence Finielz, Cornell University
Andrea Flores, Digital Organizer, America’s Voice
Leonardo Flores, Latin America Campaign Coordinator, CODEPINK
Patrice Florvilus, Director, Collectif d’Avocats Spécialisés en Litige Stratégique de Droits Humains (CALSDH)
Susaanti Follingstad, Core Organizer, Sanctuary DMV
Steve Forester, Immigration Policy Coordinator, Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti
Cristiana Luis Francisca, President, Movimiento de Mujeres Dominico-Haitianas (MUDHA)
Marisa Franco, National Director, Mijente
Joshua Francois, Research Fellow, Harvard University School of Medicine
R. Andrew Free, #DetentionKills
Netfa Freeman, Organizer, Pan-African Community Action (PACA)
Dina Friedman, Jewish Activists for Immigration Justice of Western Massachusetts
Julia Gaffield, Associate Professor of History, Georgia State University
Esteban Garces, Co-Executive Director, Poder Latinx
Jordan Garcia, Program Director, American Friends Service Committee, Colorado
Laurie Woodward Garcia, Co-leader, Broward for Progress
Marisa Limón Garza, Deputy Director, Hope Border Institute
Alicia Garza, Principal, Black to the Future Action Fund
Anna Gallagher, Executive Director, Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.
Danielle Legros Georges, Director of the MFA Program in Creative Writing, Lesley University
Julie Gersten, Executive Director, Refugee Action Fund
Malick W. Ghachem, Associate Professor of History, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Setareh Ghandehari, Advocacy Director, Detention Watch Network
Geneva Gist, Spanish Language Lead, Respond Crisis Translation
Patricia A Goggin
Aaron Goldberg, Musician
Olivia Golden, Executive Director, Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)
Evelyn Gonzalez, Counselor, Montgomery College
Catherine Gonzalez, Senior Staff Attorney & Policy Counsel, Brooklyn Defender Services
Sergio Gonzales, Executive Director, Immigration Hub
April Gore, Community Organizer, New York Day of Remembrance Committee
Josh Goralski, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Unlocking Communities
Noah Gottschalk, Global Policy Lead, Oxfam America
Mindy Grall
Gustavus D Griffin, Coordinator, Boys to Men
Thomas M. Griffin, Immigration Attorney, Surin & Griffin PC
Marion Grimes, Mercy Focus on Haiti
Jenny Grobelski, Supervisory Attorney, Northern Illinois Justice for Our Neighbors
Samara Grossman, Clinical Social Worker
Monica Grycz, St. Mary Magdalene Parish
Susan Gunn, Director, Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
Jorge Gutierrez, Executive Director, Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement
Maricela Gutierrez, Executive Director, Services, Immigrant Rights & Education Network (SIREN)
Haitian Americans United Inc
Tom Haigh, Treasurer, Minnesota Interfaith Coalition on Immigrantion
Joy Hardy, Government Relations Assistant, American Immigration Lawyers Association
Helgaleena, AD, White Rabbit Grove RDNA
Peter Hallward, Professor of Philosophy, Kingston University
Rev. Jimmie R. Hawkins, Director, Presbyterian Church (USA) Office of Public Witness and the Ministry at the United Nations
Andrea Healy, Volunteer, Mercy Focus on Haiti
Karla Hernandez-Mats, President, United Teachers of Dade
Roberto Herrera, Director of Organizing, Resilience Orange County
Anna Hey, Deputy Executive Director, Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services, Inc.
Kip Austin Hinton, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Rachel Hobbs, Student at George Mason University
Joan Hodges-Wu, Founder & Executive Director, AsylumWorks
Karen Hoffmann, Attorney, Syrena Law
Dale V.C. Holness, Broward County District 9 Commissioner/FY 2020 Mayor
Bill Holston, Executive Director, Human Rights Initiative of North Texas
Seft Hunter, Director of Black Led Organizing & Power Building, Community Change Action
Serge Hyacinthe, Director, Affinity Group, LLC
Peniel Ibe, Policy Engagement Coordinator, American Friends Service Committee
Diego Iñiguez-López, Policy and Campaigns Manager, National Partnership for New Americans
Barbara Lopez, Make the Road Connecticut
Kim Ives, Journalist, Haiti Liberté
Louise Ivers, Professor of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Veena Iyer, Executive Director, Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota
Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., Founder & President, Rainbow/PUSH Coalition
Candace Jean, Attorney
Esther Jeon, National Organizing and Advocacy Manager, National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC)
Carine Jocelyn, Founder, The Haitian Women’s Collective and Chief Executive Officer, Diaspora Community Services
Beverly John, Talking Drum Incorporated
Sara John, Executive Director, St. Louis Inter-Faith Committee on Latin America
Kyndelle M Johnson, Black Alliance for Peace
Jake Johnston, Senior Research Associate, Center for Economic and Policy Research
Jordan Jones, Black Alliance for Peace
Claudine Joseph, COO, LL COOL J Inc
Louis Harold Joseph, Executive Director, Haiti Vital Records Express LLC
Dotie Joseph, State Representative, Florida House of Representatives
Michael Joseph, Esq., Commissioner, City of North Miami Beach, FL
Vanessa Joseph, Esq., Chairwoman, Haitian-American Voter Empowerment (HAVE) Coalition
Anu Joshi, Vice President of Policy, New York Immigration Coalition
Guerline Jozef, Co-founder and Executive Director, Haitian Bridge Alliance
Frandley Julien, Principal, Law Offices of Frandley D Julien, PA
Nao Kabashima, Executive Director, Karen Organization of San Diego
Michelle Karshan, Executive Director, Li Li Li! Read
Amaha Kassa, Executive Director, African Communities Together
Nadine Duplessy Kearns, Chair, Haitian Ladies Network
Robert Keenan, Marketing and PR Manager, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Frances Kelley, Volunteer, Louisiana Advocates for Immigrants in Detention
Deborah Kline, Executive Director, Cleveland Jobs with Justice
Lisa Knox, Legal Director, CA Collaborative for Immigrant Justice
Neil D. Kolner, Law Office of Michael D. Ray
Beth Kontos, President, American Federation of Teachers Massachusetts
Karl Kramer, Campaign Director, NorCal TPS Coalition
Ryan Krause, Law Student, Cardozo University School of Law
Ira J. Kurzban, Kurzban, Kurzban, Weinger, Tetzeli & Pratt, P.A, Chairperson, Immigrants List Civic Action Inc.
Dawn Kwan
Annie Lai, Co-Director, University of California Irvine Law Immigrant Rights Clinic
Magalis Troncoso Lama, Executive Director, Dominican Development Center, Inc.
Kim Lamberty, Director, Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Office Stuart Center
Sabine Lamour, Coordonnatrice générale, SOFA
Grace Landers, Student, University of San Francisco
Joan Laney, Memphis United Methodist Immigrant Relief
Geri E Lanham, Country Director, Mercy Beyond Borders
Marguerite Lathan, Board Member, Fonkoze USA
Axelle Latortue, Education Consultant
Marie Flore Lindor Latortue, President, AEDAP
Patrice Lawrence, Co-Director, UndocuBlack Network
Joshua Leach, Public Policy and Communications Strategist, Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
Deborah Lee, Executive Director, Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity
Elizabeth Lee, Volunteer, MAWO
Bruce Lesley, President, First Focus on Children
Rabbi Joshua Lesser, President, Bridges Faith Initiative
Rochenel Marc, President, R&M Institute & Financial Group
Anna Marie Lesutis RSM RN, Member, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Natasha Lightfoot, Associate Professor, Columbia University Department of History
Cheryl Little, Executive Director, Americans for Immigrant Justice
Ivan Lomeli, Immigrant Justice Fellow, Orange County Rapid Response Network
Elena Lorac, Coordinadora Nacional, Movimiento Reconocido
Raynald Louis, Radio Kajou
Carline Louis, Caline Collections
Martha Louise Schmidt, Co-chair, Human Rights Framework Project, National Lawyers Guild
Wooldy Edson Louidor, Coordinator, Foro Internacional de la Migración Haitiana en las Américas
Thomas Luce, Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists
Paola Luisi, Executive Director, Families Belong Together
Esther Lumm, Co-Chair, Uncage & Reunite Families Coalition
Laura Lunn, Detention Program Managing Attorney, Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network
Michelle MacFadyen, Volunteer, Louisiana Advocates for Immigrants in Detention
Lisa Madison, Vice President of Distribution & Impact, Square Zero Films
Robert ‘Bob’ Maguire, Professor (retired) & Former Director of the Haiti Program, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University
Michelle Marrion, Filmmaker
Candace Martin, RN, BSN
John Marchese, Executive Director, Quixote Center
Fr. Jack Martin, President, Haiti Solidarity Network of the North East
Yuko Matsumoto, Refugee Rights Advocate/Paralegal, East Bay Sanctuary Covenant
Alma Maquitico, Co-Director, National Network for Immigrant & Refugee Rights
Abby Maxman, President and CEO, Oxfam America
Jessica Maxwell, Executive Director, Workers Center of Central New York
Maya Maxym, MD, PhD, FAAP, Leadership Council, Indivisible Hawaii
Yareliz Mendez-Zamora, TPS Coordinator, Florida Immigrant Coalition
Yaritza Mendez, Co-Director of Organizing, Make the Road New York
Ruth Messinger, Global Ambassador, American Jewish World Service
Sister Eileen McDonnell, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Adam McGovern, Legislative Strategist, Wind of the Spirit Immigrant Resource Center
Marva Shand McIntosh, Founder, I Love to Listen Day
Eilis McCulloh, Board President, Akron Interfaith Immigration Advocates
Patrick McCann, Past national president, current vice-president chapter 032, Veterans For Peace
Carolyn Mellin, Managing Director, Summits Education
Gepsie Metellus, Sant La Haitian Neighborhood Center
Sarnia Michel
Melinda Miles, Coordinator, Haiti Response Coalition
Anne Marie Miller, Leadership, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Mariana Miller-D’Alessandro, JPIC and Climate Care of Good Shepherd Church
Erna Milien, Esq., Founder, Milien Law Practice PLLC
Maurice Mitchell, National Director, Working Families Party
Abdi Mohamoud, Horn of Africa Community
Elora Mukherjee, Jerome L. Greene Clinical Professor of Law, Columbia Law School Immigrants’ Rights Clinic
Douglas Mundo, Executive Director, Multicultural Center of Marin
Venice P Mundle-Harvey, Owner, Venice Mundle-Harvey Inc.
Leo Murrieta, Director, Make the Road Nevada
Paul Andre Mondesir, CEO, Ciel Sur Terre
Michèle Montas, former Director, Radio Haiti
Avideh Moussavian, Legal Director, National Immigration Law Center
Marline Monestime, Executive Director, Haitian American Professionals Coalition, Inc.
Romina Montenegro, Florida Advocacy Coordinator, United We Dream
Rev. Mary Katherine Morn, President/CEO, Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
Jenna Mullender
Owen Murphy, Business Representative (ret.), IUPAT Sign and Display Union
Juliana Macedo do Nascimento, Senior Advocacy Manager, United We Dream Network
Valerie Nash, Nash & Associates
Eskinder Negash, President and Chief Executive Officer, U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)
Anthony Ng, Dream Resource Center Director, UCLA Labor Center
Elizabeth Nguyen, Immigration Bond Coordinator, Community Justice Exchange
Nathan Nickerson RN, DrPH
Guerda Nicolas, University of Miami; School of Education
Robert Nicolas, Executive Director, AME-SADA, INC.
Cheryl Nichols, Coordinator of Accompaniment, Immigrant Support Group of St. Camillus Parish
Edward Nizalowski, Peace Action
Mary Novak, Executive Director, NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice
Shurland Oliver, Executive Director, Caribbean-American Education & Innovation Fund
Adriel D. Orozco, Executive Director, New Mexico Immigrant Law Center
Ana Ortega, Advocacy Strategist, Human Rights First
Maria G. Ortiz, Freedom Campaign Coordinator, Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity
Tunde Osazua, Coordinator, U.S. Out of Africa Network
Marley Otto, Organizer, White People for Black Lives
Kelly Overton, Executive Director, Border Kindness
Tessa Painson, Director of Finance and Operations, Florida Immigrant Coalition, Inc.
Jose Palma, Coordinator, Comité TPS Massachusetts
Sarah Palmer, Law Clerk, Celedon Law
Alison Leal Parker, US Program Managing Director, Human Rights Watch
Myriam Paul
Genevieve Paul, Manager, Ministry of Reconciliation
Abraham Paulos, Deputy Director, Black Alliance for Just Immigration
Melissa Padberg
Priya Arvind Patel, Supervising Attorney, Centro Legal de la Raza
Glenda Pawsey, Co-Chair Mission and Justice Commission, St. John’s Presbyterian Church, Berkeley
Sharrona Pearl, Associate Professor, Drexel University
Maryse Pénette-Kedar, President, PRODEV Foundation
Margaret Perron, Religious of Jesus and Mary
Camilo Perez-Bustillo, Co-Founder, Witness at the Border, Coordinator, International Tribunal of Conscience of Peoples in Movement, and Co-Founder, Foro Migración Haitiana en las Américas
Marjean A. Perhot, Division Director, Refugee and Immigrant Services, Catholic Charities Archdiocese of Boston
Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner, Senior Vice President, Union for Reform Judaism
Nicole Phillips, Legal Director, Haitian Bridge Alliance
Folake Phillips, Founder & Executive Director, AWO Center
Dr. Jemima Pierre, Coordinator – Haiti Team, Black Alliance for Peace
Raygnol Pierre, Policy Director, Haitian Catholic Church
Rosemonde Pierre-Louis, Chairperson, The Haitian Roundtable
Raoul Pierre-Louis, Executive Director, Fondation CERDEL
Ai-jen Poo, Executive Director, National Domestic Workers Alliance
Lynn A Powe, Chair of Social Justice Committee, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
Sony Prosper, Ph.D. Student, University of Michigan
Paul Anthony Pumphrey, Coordinating Committee Member, Black Alliance For Peace
Carol Sandy Przybylak, Secretary, Green Party of Erie County
Marithza Quiroz, African Advocacy Network
Ali Rahnama, Immigration Manager, Immigration and Refugee Program, Friends Committee on National Legislation
Kirsten Rambo, Executive Director, ASISTA Immigration Assistance
Nicole Elizabeth Ramos, Director, Border Rights Project, Al Otro Lado
Kate Ramsey, Associate Professor of History, University of Miami
Ninaj Raoul, Executive Director, Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees
Meryl Ranzer, Campaign & Media Coordinator, New Sanctuary Coalition
Michael D Ray, Former Southern Regional Vice President, National Lawyers Guild
Mosctha RD
Sofia Negrete Retamales, Community Organizer for Immigrant Rights, Comunidades Unidas
Carl Redwood, Project Director, Pittsburgh Black Worker Center
Anna Reeve, Education Consultant, Haiti
Daniel Registre, Pastor, Église Baptiste Mahanaïm.
John Reid, Haiti Twinning and Projects Coordinator, St. Mary’s Catholic Church Barnesville, MD
Pamela Resendiz, Executive Director, Colorado Jobs with Justice
Bliss Requa-Trautz, Executive Director, Arriba Las Vegas Worker Center
Micheline Rice-Maximin, Professor of Caribbean Literatures, Swarthmore College
Linda Rivas, Executive Director, Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center
Jess Morales Rocketto, Co-Chair, Families Belong Together
Alan E Roselius, Chair, Newman Hall Nonviolent Committee Holy Spirit Church Berkeley
Greisa Martinez Rosas, United We Dream Network
Jaja Robinson, Black Alliance for Peace
Mike de la Rocha, Co-founder, Revolve Impact
Elket Rodriguez, Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy and Missions Specialist, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
Kyla Roland, Black Alliance for Peace
Phyllisia Ross, CEO, Phyllisia Ross Mizik LLC, Phyllisia Deleana Publishing LLC, Phyllisia Ross Trademarks LLC, Phyllisia Ross Copyrights LLC
Jesus Ruiz, Postdoctoral Associate, Duke University
Demeter Russafov, Executive Director, AMURT-Haiti
Jonathan Ryan, CEO & President, RAICES
Seydi Sarr, Executive Director, African Bureau for Immigration and Social Affairs
Rocio Saenz, Executive Vice President, Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Marie M. Saint Cyr, Advisor, Haitian Women Collective
Jean Eddy Saint-Paul, Professor of Sociology & Founder Haitian Studies Institute, CUNY Brooklyn College
Leslie Salgado, Chair, Friends of Latin America
Angelica Salas, Executive Director, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA)
Felicia Samponaro, Director, The Sidewalk School
Xochitl G Sanchez, Organizer, Central American Resource Center-LA
Madeleine Sandefur, Angry Tias and Abuelas of the Rio Grande Valley
Rick Santos, President and Chief Executive Office, Church World Services
Seydi Sarr, Executive Director, African Bureau for Immigration and Social Affairs
Catherine Sarther, Board of Directors, Beyond Borders
Yael Schacher, Senior U.S. Advocate, Refugees International
Traci Schlesinger, PhD, Associate Professor of Sociology, DePaul University
Ann Scholz, SSND, Associate Director for Social Mission, Leadership Conference of Women Religious
Mark Schuller, President, Haitian Studies Association
Todd Schulte, President, FWD.us
Ghita Schwarz, Senior Staff Attorney, Center for Constitutional Rights
Mona Scott-Young, Chief Executive Officer, Monami Entertainment
Margaret Seiler, Volunteer, Witness at the Border
Peter Seidman, Activist, US Hands Off Cuba and Venezuela South Florida Coalition
Alyssa G. Sepinwall, Professor
Michelle Seyler, Executive Director, Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice
Kimberly Serrano, Messaging Research Project Manager, California Immigrant Policy Center
Jennifer Sevilla, Director, Austin Border Relief
Katelin Sha, student, University of San Francisco
Silky Shah, Executive Director, Detention Watch Network
Tamara Shamir, Harvard College
Frank Sharry, Executive Director, America’s Voice
Kiel Shaub, Lecturer, University of California, Los Angeles
David M. Shaw, Black Alliance for Peace
Sirine Shebaya, Executive Director, National Immigration Project (NIP-NLG)
Audrey Shipp, Black Alliance for Peace
Dr. Kristina Shull, Assistant Professor of History, UNC Charlotte
Kaveena Singh, Attorney, East Bay Sanctuary Covenant
Erica Smiley, Executive Director, Jobs With Justice
Diane Jean Smith, Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, LA
Greg Smith, Director of Independence and Learning Support, LUCHA Ministries, Inc.
Michael Smith, Director, Refugee Rights Program
Harold A. Solis, Deputy Legal Director, Make the Road New York
Barbara Peña Solis, RAICES, Associate Vice President of Advocacy
Michael Sonnenschein, Development Economics Research Fellow, Emergent Ventures
Donald Read Spear, Owner, Cuentacuentos Mezcal
Richard Sprout, Chair, Broome Tioga Green Party
SPLC Action Fund
Rev. Eugene P. Squeo, President, New Jersey Forum for Human Rights
Ivana Staiti, Social Worker, Partnerships for Trauma Recovery
Rev. Dr. Sharon Stanley-Rea, Director, Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries
Lina Srivastava, Lina Srivastava, CIEL
Carrie Stengel, Executive Director, Sister Parish, inc.
Linda Stilling, Member, School Sisters of Notre Dame
Jean Stockdale, Program Director, Reformed Church of Highland Park Affordable Housing Corporation (RCHP-AHC)
Irwin P. Stotzky, Professor, University of Miami School of Law
Charles M. Strom, Orange County Jewish Coalition for Refugees
Lise Strom, Advisory Council, Orange County Jewish Coalition for Refugees
Ronald Surin, President & Managing Partner, Haitian-American Democratic Club of Broward County, FL
Yifat Susskind, Executive Director, MADRE
Kerri Talbot, Deputy Director, Immigration Hub
Ana Maria Fores Tamayo, Executive Director, Refugee Support Network
Jessica Tang, President, Boston Teachers Union
Geoff Thale, President, Washington Office on Latin America
Barbara Thelamour, Assistant Professor, Swarthmore College
Rev. Linda Theophilus, Pastor, Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Michael L. Thomas, Black Alliance for Peace
Lindsay Toczylowski, Executive Director, Immigrant Defenders Law Center
Opal Tometi, Co-founder, Diaspora Rising
Alicia Torres, Organizer, ICE Fuera de Austin
Gustavo Torres, Executive Director, CASA of Maryland
Aleta Alston Toure, Member, Parable of the Sower Intentional Community Cooperative
Lynn Tramonte, Director, Ohio Immigrant Alliance
Troi Tran, Organizer, USF Mutual Aid
Mau Trejo, Orange County Rapid Response Network (OCRRN) Steering Committee
Karen C. Tumlin, Director & Founder, Justice Action Center
Nsé Ufot, Chief Executive Officer, New Georgia Project Action Fund
Gustavo Vargas, Organizer, Colectivo Kawsay
Sunil Varghese, Policy Director, International Refugee Assistance Project
Margaret Brown Vega, Coordinator, Advocate Visitors with Immigrants in Detention
Vanessa Velasco, Community Advocacy and Engagement Coordinator, Central American Resource Center of Northern CA – CARECEN SF
Ramon Valdez, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Director of Strategic Initiatives
Amilcar Valencia, Executive Director, El Refugio
Julie Varughese, Coordinator, Black Alliance for Peace Solidarity Network
Chantalle F. Verna, Associate Professor of History and International Relations, Florida International University
Emilio Vicente, Communications & Policy Director, Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement
Tracy Vertus, President, Reach Beyond Relief Inc
Hardy Vieux, Senior Vice President, Legal, Human Rights First
Jean Eddy Vincent, Pastor, The Church of God of Bethesda
Jessica Vosburgh, Executive Director, Adelante Alabama Worker Center
Laura Wagner, Haitian Creole Team Lead, Respond Crisis Translation
Michael Walters, Professor, New Jersey City University
Vince Warren, Executive Director, Center for Constitutional Rights
Rumi Weaver, Black Alliance for Peace
James R Weisgerber, Co-Chairman, St Bernadette Haiti Twinning Committee
Alice E Wiener, Lead Psychologist, Psychological Associates of Northwest GA Inc
Charlotte Wiener, International Managing Director, Human Rights Attorney
Lois Wilcken, Executive Director, La Troupe Makandal, Inc.
Rev. Gary Bernard Williams, Senior Pastor, Saint Mark United Methodist Church
Charlene Wilkinson, Founder Member, Guyana-Haiti Support Group
Dex Winful, Chief Operating Officer, Okaapp.com
Tiffany Willoughby-Herard, Associate Professor of African American Studies, University of California, Irvine
Mel Wilson, Senior Policy Advisor, National Association of Social Workers
Sara E Wolf, Program Coordinator, InnovEd-Universite Quisqueya
Jenny Wun, Operations Director, AAPI Women Lead
Zeri Yilma, Managing Director, The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA)
Mary Vivian Zelaya, Board Member, Ecumenical Peace Institute
Eddy Zheng, Founder & President, New Breath Foundation
Rabbi Jill Zimmerman, Rabbi, Path With Heart
Sejal Zota, Legal Director, Just Futures Law
Elaine Zuckerman, President, Gender Action
Photo Caption: A Haitian family walks together, silhouetted by the sky. Photo Credit: Philip Gould via Getty Images.