Statement by Refugees International on the Closure of the Southern and Northern Borders to Non-essential Travel

Please see below statement from Refugees International:
“Refugees International appreciates the need for extraordinary measures to safeguard the public in a health emergency. We have no objection to imposition of carefully and appropriately designed border restrictions to secure this objective. We are still awaiting additional details of implementation of the United States’ intention to close its southern and northern borders to non-essential travel. We hope and expect that any such restrictions will include provisions that safeguard individuals from forced return to torture or persecution. We also hope and expect that extraordinary policy measures that impose unusual burdens for those seeking asylum will be lifted as soon as circumstances permit.
In times of national emergency, protecting vulnerable people from gross abuses of their basic rights can become far more challenging for governments, but it is at those very times when our commitment to such rights is decisively measured.”
For more information or to schedule an interview, please contact Sarah Sheffer at or 203 305 9880.