Refugees International’s 38th Anniversary Luncheon

In advance of Refugees International’s 38th Anniversary Dinner on April 25, 2017, Ambassador Vlora Çitaku of Kosovo hosted a luncheon the mark the occasion. The luncheon took place at the Meridian International Center in Washington, D.C. Ambassador Çitaku, the event’s honorary chair, addressed the luncheon and paid tribute to the 2017 RI humanitarian award winners, the Syria Civil Defense (the White Helmets) and Hassan Shire of Defend Defenders. Eileen Shields-West, RI’s board chair, and Congressman Ed Royce also addressed the gathering.

Hassan Shire of Defend Defenders, Eric Schwartz, Dan Sullivan, and Clementine Clementine de Montjoye.
RI President Michel Gabaudan, Hassan Shire, White Helmet Volunteer Manal Abazeed, Ambassador Vlora Çitaku, and White Helmet Volunteer Mounir Mustafa.
Refugees International Board Chair Eileen Shields-West addresses guests.
Refugees International Board Chair Eileen Shields-West addresses guests.
Congressman Ed Royce.
Ambassador of Kosovo Vlora Çitaku, Honorary Chair of the Anniversary Dinner
Mariella Trager, Ambassador of Sweden Björn Lyrvall, Diane and Michael Hawkins.
Rod Carrasco, Lisa Barry, Global Partnership Initiative Chair Sarah Bovim, Dan Sullivan, and Joss Garman.
RI Board Chair Eileen Shields-West, Robin West, Ambassador of Albania Floreta Faber, Lisa Barry, and Joy Lian Alferness.