Presenting our New Brand and Website

Dear friends,
I’m thrilled to share Refugees International’s new brand identity and website with you.
The new brand reflects our vision for the kind of organization that we are and aspire to be. Global displacement continues to grow, but the displacement landscape and our role in it are evolving in important ways. We have tried to be intentional about using our brand identity to reflect and advance that evolution:
- Refugee leadership is centerstage. Our new brand is rooted in our shared humanity. That’s why we are doing more to put the lived expertise of refugees and displaced people at the center of our work. In the spirit of our new Refugee Fellows program, the website and brand deliberately builds space to share platform with leaders and communities experiencing displacement—who know best what is needed to effect real change. Our new Global Perspectives feature highlights the expertise of displaced people on our website’s front page.
- We’ve updated our logo. We felt that our previous logo image inaccurately conveyed a one-way relationship between the organization and the communities we serve. As an organization committed to meaningful partnership with displaced leaders, the previous logo carried overtones inconsistent with our values. Our new logo is simply our name—that means that it’s on us to define how we show up as partners and advocates.
- The look and feel is bolder and more urgent. We want our brand to reinforce our credibility and bold commitment to action, while honoring our proud past. The bright new colors and bold fonts signify the hope we hold for the future—they’re meant to inspire action. The navy blue and orange accents show our enduring continuity with our legacy of action over more than four decades.
- There are more ways to get involved. Building on our longstanding analytical work, we are broadening our focus toward building a pro-refugee movement that centers the expertise of local communities, innovates, and builds power. Our new website provides more opportunities to take urgent action and stay informed together. Right now, you can join thousands of people who have already demanded that Congress urgently pass the Afghan Adjustment Act; get smart on the big-picture ideas that are driving today’s debate on our Issues page, navigate our work by Region; and explore our deep catalog of expert analysis and commentary by location, issue, and content type on our The Latest page.
Since 1979, Refugees International has worked independently to advance the rights and safety of people seeking refuge around the world. Then as now, we do not accept government or UN funding to ensure the independence and credibility of our work. Because of that, we depend on the support of friends like you who share in this work with us.
Looking to the future, Refugees International will embrace this ethos more than ever. Thanks to your partnership and support, we are ready and energized to take on this new chapter.
We know that together, we can create a more welcoming world for people seeking refuge.
Jeremy Konyndyk
Refugees International