Internal displacement has long been a neglected issue on the international stage. Here are four priority actions aid actors must take in 2025.
Latinoamérica21: The World Should Take Note of Brazil’s Refugee Policy
The Brazilian model holds promise for refugee situations in the Americas and around the world, where fatigued donors and beleaguered hosts try to marginalize refugees.
USA Today: ‘I Cannot Let Your People Die’: Jimmy Carter’s Compassion Saved Refugees Like Me
President Carter’s actions during Southeast Asia’s refugee crisis remain a model for what is possible when leaders rise to meet moral challenges with clarity and resolve.
USA Today: Biden’s Legacy Can Be a Humane Transition or a Slammed Door on Asylum Seekers
The Biden administration must work with the Mexican government to expand access to asylum at land border ports of entry.
Foreign Affairs: Biden’s Greatest Failure in Gaza
The failure of U.S. humanitarian diplomacy in holding Israel accountable for its obstructionism has abetted a cataclysm in Gaza.
Forced Migration Review: Changing the game: the World Bank’s contribution to forced displacement response
The World Bank has become a prominent player in forced displacement response. It could strengthen its contribution through more meaningful refugee participation.
Devex: There is a Clear Financial Case for Localizing Aid
As Grand Bargain leaders meet this week, they must double down on their commitment to change the way government, U.N., and international NGO funding gets to local organizations.
A Window Into Sudan’s Neglected Crisis
This Op-Ed was originally published in Newsweek, on September 10, 2024 Sudan’s crisis is spiraling. Hunger has given way to famine. The capital, Khartoum, has been destroyed. Ethnically targeted killings in Darfur have reached levels that may surpass the genocide of 20 years ago. And diplomatic efforts have failed to bring the warring parties to the table or…
USA Today: ‘I Can’t Go Back. The U.S. is My Only Option’: Why Biden’s Border Policy Isn’t Working
Refugees International’s interviews with migrants suggest that any effect of U.S. policy on border crossings is, at best, temporarily keeping them away but not reducing their overall numbers.
USA Today: ‘I Have Been Raped Twice in Just the Last Year’: Pay Attention to the Fighting in Congo
An epidemic of rape has overwhelmed the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the world isn’t paying attention.